
I have managed the online presence for a number of companies and nonprofits, including creating and maintaining pages and profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat and more as well as managed a number of blogs. This included, but was not limited to designing and implementing social media strategy to align with goals, generating, editing, publishing and sharing engaging content daily as well as overseeing social media accounts’ design (e.g. Facebook timeline cover, profile pictures and blog layout).

My online community management experience includes overseeing content presented on social media, websites and blogs, and creating, editing, posting, updating, and occasionally cleaning up outdated content. I also worked within internal and external community management by collaborating with other teams such as, marketing, sales and customer service to ensure brand consistency as well as with followers, responding to queries in a timely manner and monitoring customer reviews and comments.

I’ve managed and moderated online forums, including pinpointing, addressing and solving various user issues on a daily basis. I have also worked in new media on a high profile congressional campaign.  I’ve managed webinar series (dealing with both customer and webinar clients). I’ve also run promotions and blogger outreach. I hosted and produced a weekly podcasts as well.

Previously I’ve worked as the Community Manager for NCWIT, Vendor Relations Coordinator for HealthIT Social. I also worked as the Customer Care Manager for Positive Parenting Solutions where I managed social media channels, work on the wordpress site, as well as various social media online duties as well as managing their online webinar series and dealing with both customer and webinar clients as well as various administrative tasks for the owner. I am also the New Media Outreach Manager for SheHeroes.org where I also maintain their blog, all the social media efforts and promotions and blogger outreach. I also spent the last year as the New Media Manager for Aluminyze.com where I managed all the social media efforts, maintained the blog, blogger outreach, and ran contests and marketing promotions. Previous to that I worked as the New Media Producer for WomenCount.org where on top of managing all blogging and new media efforts I hosted and produced a weekly podcast, WomenCount Radio, on Blog Talk Radio.


I have also worked as an online community manager for the parenting website MomConnect.com where I was the main blog contributor as well as managed all their social media efforts as well as managed their online forums, dealt with user issues, monitored threads and forums, etc. I have also created and maintained the new media and social networking efforts for some local companies as well as worked in new media on a high profile congressional campaign. And of course I maintain active personal accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Myspace, Youtube, and a number of others.

What sets me apart is my varied background. I’ve studied Marketing, Early Childhood Development, and Political Science. I previously attended school at The Academy of Radio Broadcasting (which included extensive training in copywriting as well as news journalism) and worked in radio.

I have offered my opinions on all things music related on JamsBio Magazine, located on the music website JamsBio where I did reviews, interviews and commentary. I have also written for RealityShack.com where I’ve enjoyed feeding my celebreality addiction by writing recaps and commentaries for TV shows as well as conducted celebrity interviews.

I have strong research skills, as well as attention to detail and deadlines. I’ve maintained my own website, written regular newsletters, and attracted clients via internet marketing and promotion for my home daycare.

My eclectic background also includes being a mother of two and five years spent as a daycare provider. I attended school at The Academy of Radio Broadcasting where as well as training in communications and broadcasting, I received extensive training in news journalism & copywriting plus worked as a DJ in Modesto, CA. I spent many years as an Administrative Assistant.

Be sure and visit my resume page or follow the links to my work on the web!

Thanks again for visiting my site, and I look forward to providing you with the content you need to help your business or website succeed.

-Meghan Harvey